
VWTV- Evaluation

VWTV is a new product which i designed to fit into today's society and fill a gap in the market for all car enthusiasts. My plan for this new up and coming TV channel was to use relevant media resources to reach my target audience and advertise my product to the correct people. My website was always designed to be made on iWeb and have a modern but simple style to the site. This style was very important as the message needed to be communicated to the audience as fast as possible to stand out from many of the compettion and become known for offering simple yet effective services.

My website was my main focus for the launch and advertising of my new TV channel. My channel was to be launched to the UK. The UK have millions of internet users and my target audience reflects many of these. The internet was going to be an efficient and effective way to let people know that this channel was hitting there screens and that the website would provide extra information and have unseen footage that would not feature on the channel.

The website i created was made with a professional attitude and i always intended for the website to go online, having the ability to attract millions of internet users world wide. to host my website i used MobileMe, an Apple Mac based software which enabled my to publish my iWeb made website straight to the world wide web without finding a separate host. This method was certainly time saving and a fraction of the cost of many internet suppliers.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

As well as decideing to create a website i also had to come up with two other ways to promote my product. After doing a website i thought it would make sense to promote in more traditional way, creating a newspaper advert and having my channel featured in a TV listings magazine. The three combined very well enabling me to communicate with my audience in different methods. If i was to create a web pop up as well as my website, i would see this as a waste as it would potentially be reaching the same audience. However both my newspaper advert and listings feature combine well and follow the same house style, displaying the same fonts and colours and using a simple and stylish layout on each. this style shows that each of these products are all promoting the same channel, maximising the chance of more views.

After completing this assignment i really feel like i have made giant strides and come along way since starting the assignment. in my own opinion the website i have created went beyond my expectations and i feel like the effort really paid off. The whole image and style of each of my media elements all came together and really connect, promoting the channel and giving the company a stylish image. The movie and sound added to my website also came off very well and the work put in was worth the end product.

To conclude on this assignment, i am very pleased with the final outcome of each of my media products and i was glad to focus on a topic that was personally interesting to me and enabled me to happily work on this project because of the topic i was able to make.